

Welcome to GDMM
About Us


Library Committee:
Coordinator: Dr. Jyoti Mala
Members: Dr Urvashi Gautam
Dr. Manisha Kumari
Dr. Diksha Singh
Supporting Staffs: Sabita Kumari
Anil Kumar

Library is fully automated with efficient staffs to monitor and guide the new students admitted in the college. Library timings are flexible during examination periods and may be open on Sundays also. Library has photocopy service for the students. There is a free space for reading and studying in the leisure period. Two books will be issued to UG students and 3 books will be issued to PG students at one time.
Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm except on holidays

Journals and Magazines
Journals and magazines are not allowed to be issued. Students are required to use the magazines and newspapers safely.

Code of Conduct:
ID Card is mandatory to get entry inside the library.
Users are not allowed to use Mobile phones inside the library.
Users are required to maintain silence in the library.
Users are required to obey the library staffs.
Users are requested to use the books with care.
Persistent defaulters of library rules will have their library card seized permanently.

More Info